Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New closer for the Red Sox...Don't make fun of this guy

I love this video. The Red Sox could use a guy like this to inspire them. Maybe even replace Papelbon as the closer since he couldn't close a game for his life last year. He's pretty quick for a guy with no legs, thats impressive.

Monday, May 9, 2011


       One of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Elbows do not do that. It was a cheap shot on Wade and everyone knows it. Wade has turned into a punk ever since James joined the team, not only is James a bad player he's a bad influence. Wade obviously had to pull him down and dislocate Rondo's elbow because Rondo knocked the ball away. That looked like two little kids playing 1 on 1 and getting all mad when one kid hit the ball away from the other. Theres no excuse for doing that it was pointless.
       Wade should be suspended and fined for it. At least after Rondo went down KG was there to point out the injury for the trainers in case they couldn't see his elbow bent back the other way. To come back out after that injury was pretty cool. I don't know what the Heat were thinking not playing defense on a one armed man. It was pretty simple...just make him go to his left. Great coaching and executing on the Heats part. If you get the ball stolen from you by a one armed man, you shouldn't be in the NBA. If your team cant play defense on a one armed man and can't stop him, you shouldn't be an NBA coach.
      Overall a great game for the Celtics. KG really came alive and hit some shots while Paul Pierce actually played basketball. Even Shaq tried to throw in a few quality minutes but couldn't cause he was running flat footed. Shaq just needs to retire now or definitely after this season. No team is going to get anything out of him. He should get his Championship this year and retire the next cause he's a better actor than basketball player. This series belongs to the Celtics anyways so no worries.

Zen Master Done

Phil Jackson and the Lakers era is over. The Celtics have to find a new rival now, probably the Heat. The Zen master Phil just couldn't prevent the sweep. Despite the sweep, he still had that ugly smirk on this face like he just thinks he's better than everyone else even though he just got swept in 4 games. Its pretty easy to win as many championships as he did when he has the best players in the NBA who don't even bother passing the ball.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Does anyone in their right mind stay at Fenway until 2 in the morning after a rain delay?

No... the answer is no. Everyone who's OUT of their mind stays through the rain delay until 2 in the morning, singing songs they can add players names to right on the spot. Very creative for those 100 or so fans all in the front row. Another reason why New England sports fans are the best. We have guys jogging around right field getting blown up while his buddies film it, then we have another fan doing pull ups on a light pole that he shimmied up and down, and finally we have this band of brothers making sing a longs at 2 in the morning.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Red Sox fan pull up competition

There is nothing wrong with this. Its just another crazy Red Sox fan doing his thing. Better than the last guy who tried to pull a crazy stunt. Actually blogging about the Sox isn't as much fan as blogging about their die hard crazy fans and the stunts they attempt. This guy now holds the pull up record on a light pole, he should be proud, just like the chick at the bottom who high fived him was.

Bruins easy sweep

Bruins take game 3 winning 5-1. The Flyers goalie is a joke, it's not even worth having a goalie. They might as well just have six defensemen or have six goalies.Saying there going to come out ready for the next game after every loss is getting kind of old. Everyone knows the Flyers are all talk and they know they're pretty much swept.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Still not worried about the C's. No way they lose at home and no way they get swept. Its just not going to happen, not even if Lebron gives this cry baby face to the refs every time he drives. The good honest players like Ray Allen will knock the Heat out for banner 18. C's are still favored in this series which says a lot being down 2-0. Saturdays game will be much different then the last 2.